Down a bit, up a bit, down a bit, up a bit, down a bit, up t’ finish.
The Course Profile
Spencer’s Dash
For 2024 it is three separate THURSDAY races of 3.8 mile races on road and trail.
It has been established for over 20 years.
You can buy entry to all 3 races with or without a t-shirt, or you can just enter a single race.
The Facilities and Parking
Reception for numbers will be open at 6-30pm on the night of the race.
Once you have your number you keep the same number for all three races.
Bags can be left in the club.
Toilets are also in the club.
There is no changing facilities at the club.
There is limited parking at the club so if you cannot park in the club, please park sensibly and do not block anybody’s drive.
Results and Prizes
You must run all three races to qualify for any prizes. Times of each race will be added together to get the winners .
There will be no results on the day, results will be available on Barnsley AC web site .
Prizes will be presented at the last race along with the buffet.
Overall 2024 results are available at the following link
Spencers Dash 2024 Race 3 results – RaceBest
The Barnsley AC will not held responsible for any lost or damage of property.
Results from Race1 are available at the following link Spencers Dash 2023 Race 1 results – RaceBest
Results from Race2 are available at the following link Spencers Dash 2024 Race 2 results – RaceBest
You can enter all three races or individual races from the links below
Contact Dave Bennett 01226 291403
Please park sensibly with respect for all local residents
The Course
The course is all left hand turns please be aware that roads are not closed to traffic, so run on the left and take instructions from the marshal’s headphones should not be wore as you cannot hear traffic.
Archived Results