Club Records

Please see below the collection of club records that we hold for the club. These records are self submitted, where there is no record stated then one cannot be found and it is up for grabs!

To hold a record then the following rules apply

In Order for you to hold a club record then the individual must be

  • A fully affiliated club member
  • Must compete wearing an official club (Barnsley Athletic Club) Vest / Top
  • Entered the event as a member of Barnsley Athletic Club   

The exception to these rules are listed below

Senior / Vet Athletes

  • Where an Individual is running a marathon using a charity place and as such is running in a charity vest
  • Where an individual is Competing  in an event representing their county / Country / University

Junior Athletes

  • Where the individual is representing their School / County / Country
U11 Boy’sU11 Girl’s
U13 Boy’sU13 Girl’s
U15 Boy’sU15 Girl’s
U17 BoysU17 Girl’s
U20 Men’sU20 Women’s
U23 Men’sU23 Women’s
Senior Men’sSenior Women’s
Veteran 35 Men’sVeteran 35 Women’s
Veteran 40 Men’sVeteran 40 Women’s
Veteran 45 Men’sVeteran 45 Women’s
Veteran 50 Men’sVeteran 50 Women’s
Veteran 55 Men’sVeteran 55 Women’s
Veteran 60 Men’sVeteran 60 Women’s
Veteran 65 Men’sVeteran 65 Women’s
Veteran 70 Men’sVeteran 70 Women’s

Submit new records by using the form below